Wawasana Gripal Winter Cold is a blend of botanical species that have been used by our traditional healers for centuries in the treatment of flu and colds. The therapeutic plants in Gripal Winter Cold grow at great heights in the Peruvian Andes and are widely used.
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Wawasana Gripal Winter Cold is a blend of carefully selected Andean medicinal herbs designed to relieve symptoms of the flu and cold.
Wawasana Gripal Winter Cold works by generating heat in the body, stimulating sweating, and providing comforting relief.
It is recommended to consume 2 to 3 cups per day. To enhance its soothing effect, you can add honey and a few drops of lemon.
Additionally, you can prepare a bowl with 4 infusions in hot water to create steam baths.
The key ingredients in this infusion include borage, scorzonera, eucalyptus, black mint, and muña.