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The Panetón, always served with a cup of Hot Chocolate, is part of the essential trilogy present on Peruvian Christmas tables (along with the Turkey!). In Peru, the Panettone is also considered as a perfect Christmas present as half of the purchased Panettones are offered to friends, family or colleagues. Arrived in Peru with the Genoese immigra...

The Panetón, always served with a cup of Hot Chocolate, is part of the essential trilogy present on Peruvian Christmas tables (along with the Turkey!). In Peru, the Panettone is also considered as a perfect Christmas present as half of the purchased Panettones are offered to friends, family or colleagues. Arrived in Peru with the Genoese immigrants, the traditional Peruvian Panetón is a revisited recipe to Peruvians' taste of the famous Italian Christmas sponge cake filled with raisins and candied fruit. 

Peru is the second largest producer and consumer of Panettones in the world !

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Panettone  Choose from 12 products !

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 items
  • Panetón D'Onofrio (Bag) Nestlé 880g Panetón D'Onofrio (Bag) Nestlé 880g

    The D'Onofrio Panetón, now available in an airtight bag for better preservation, is one of the essential icons of Peruvian Christmas. Its delicious recipe with orange essence, raisins, and candied fruits makes D'Onofrio Panetón the favorite fruit cake of Peruvians. Peru's Panetón is best enjoyed with a cup of hot chocolate! The D'Onofrio Panetón, now available...

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  • Peruvian Panetón Reserva D'Onofrio Nestlé 750g Peruvian Panetón Reserva D'Onofrio Nestlé 750g

    The Panetón D’Onofrio Reserva is a premium recipe with an ideal presentation for gifting. Its preparation involves a natural fermentation process of more than 40 hours, resulting in a soft and delicate texture. You will savor the selected fruits such as blueberries, golden raisins, candied orange with citrus touches. The D’Onofrio Reserva Fruit Cake is... The Panetón D’Onofrio Reserva is a...

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  • Panettone D'Onofrio (Metal container) Nestlé 880g Panettone D'Onofrio (Metal container) Nestlé 880g

    El rico Panetón peruano se saborea tradicionalmente con una taza de chocolate caliente...  El rico Panetón peruano se saborea...

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  • Purple Corn Peruvian Fruit Cake Sabrochenti 900g Purple Corn Peruvian Fruit Cake Sabrochenti 900g

    The Sabrochenti Peruvian fruit cake is a Christmas delicacy made in Arequipa with purple corn that gives it a soft purple color inside, accompanied by abundant raisins and candied fruits that complement its excellent aroma and flavour. Delight yourself with this delicious purple corn panettone without feeling guilty, the Sabrochenti panetón has the... The Sabrochenti Peruvian fruit cake...

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  • Panettone péruvienne de Noël Gloria 900gr Panettone péruvienne de Noël Gloria 900gr

    El rico Panetón peruano se saborea tradicionalmente con una taza de chocolate caliente... Es por eso que te regalamos una barra de Chocolate Sol de Cusco... Continua la tradición escogiendo la barra con canela y clavo o simplemente quédate con los mejores aromas del Panetón con la barra de chocolate Natural... ¡ Te permitimos escoger para compartir tu... El rico Panetón peruano se saborea...

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  • Panetón Donofrio Integral Nestlé 500g Panetón Donofrio Integral Nestlé 500g

    The D'Onofrio Integral Panetón is a delicious recipe to enjoy the magic of Peruvian Christmas without feeling guilty ! D’Onofrio Integral Panettone is made with 100% whole wheat flour, flaxseed, and candied orange peel. Its ingredients make it a good source of fiber. The D'Onofrio Integral Panetón is a...

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  • Panetoncito D'Onofrio Nestlé 90g Panetoncito D'Onofrio Nestlé 90g

    The rich Peruvian Panetón is traditionally savored with a cup of hot chocolate ... That's why we give you a Bar of Chocolate Sol del Cusco ... Continue the tradition by choosing the bar with cinnamon and clove or simply stick with the best aromas of the Panetón with the bar of Natural chocolate ... We allow you to choose to share your Christmas magic! The rich Peruvian Panetón is...

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Showing 1 - 12 of 12 items