Fine Red Wine Cabernet Sauvignon and...
The Art of Peruvian Cuisine - Tony Custer Vol. I Ed. QW The Art of Peruvian Cuisine - Tony...
Arts du Pérou La Cuisine Livre de recettes de Cuisine péruvienne - Annik Franco Barreau Ed. Peruguia / Pérou Arts du Pérou La Cuisine Livre de...
Explore Peru's rich and vibrant cuisine, a delicious and ancient culinary tradition. Discover its fascinating origins influenced by the Inca culture, Spanish conquistadors, and immigrants from Africa, Italy, France and China. Delve into over 65 authentic recipes from coastal areas, the Andean mountains & the rainforest. With 400 stunning photographs, each... Explore Peru's rich and vibrant...
The Art of Peruvian Cuisine - Tony Custer Vol. II Ed. QW The Art of Peruvian Cuisine - Tony...
If you thought that everything about the Cebiche was said, you are wrong. This publication, Cebiche : The taste of Peru, which features Peruvian flagship dish, shows recipes and explains the preparation of its delicious regional variants. If you thought that everything about...